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Choose your pricing plan

  • Unlimited Online Classes

    Every month
    Unlimited access to our online classes including weekly live classes and pre-recorded classes to follow at anytime, anywhere!
    • Unlimted Online Classes
    • iMovefreely Yoga Online Class
    • iMovefreely Pilates Online Classes
    • iMovefreely Stretch and Strengthen Online Class
    • iMovefreely Tai Chi Online Class
    • Weekly Pre-recorded Classes
  • 1:1 Studio Class Pack

    Enjoy 5 x Personalised 1:1 Studio Classes, including Pilates, Yoga, Reformer Pilates, or a customised mix tailored to your preferences.
    Valid for 2 months
    • 5 x 1:1 Studio Classes
    • Unlimited Online Classes
    • Weekly Pre-recorded Classes
    • Denbigh or Wrexham Studio
  • 2:1 Reformer Pilates Class Pack

    Enjoy 5 x 2:1 Reformer Classes, where you'll experience personalised guidance while enhancing strength, flexibility, and rejuvenation in a supportive and uplifting group class environment.
    Valid for 2 months
    • 5 x 2:1 Reformer Classes
    • Unlimited Online Classes
    • Weekly Pre-recorded Classes
    • Denbigh Studio
  • Biomechanics Training Plan

    Biomechanics Coaching offers a specialised approach to improving movement quality, which can significantly alleviate low-grade aches, niggles, or recurring injuries, empowering you to move more freely
    Valid for 2 months
    • 4 x 1:1 Studio Biomechanics Sessions
    • Tailored Home Plan
    • Ongoing Support: Follow Up - Zoom/ Phone Call
    • Unlimited Online Classes
    • Weekly Pre-recorded Classes
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