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About Us

Move with ease anytime, anywhere with our unlimited online classes!

Online Yoga


Explore our engaging online classes,

 thoughtfully designed to enhance your well-being, building strength and improve mobility through low-impact conditioning. Join us from the comfort of your own space and experience the benefits of our online community.


Alternatively, opt for personalised studio sessions with our 1:1 or 2:1 classes for a more tailored experience.



Ceris Gratton-Jones


Ceris began her movement journey from a young age through Dance and Sport, guiding her to pursue a Degree in Dance from the University of Chester after her studies at Laban, London.


Her passion for movement, coupled with a keen interest in learning and teaching, led her to the world of Pilates and Yoga.

With over 20 years experience in the fitness industry, Ceris brings a wealth of knowledge to her role. As the founder of Ceris Gratton-Jones Pilates Fitness Yoga in 2013, she currently leads a variety of classes. 


Her focus from the outset has been to help others move well and move better.


Ceris's dedication to learning and teaching extends into the realm of Biomechanics, often described as 'the science of movement', where she assists both geral bodies and specifically those in equine and golf fields to highlight their individual movement patterns and promote body awareness.


Her unique approach integrates her dance background with Pilates and Yoga principles, creating a holistic and effective method to enhance movement.


Join us on this journey of movement!


Begin your movement journey today!

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